Monday, July 16, 2007

July 16, 2007

While reading the weekends homework, Southwest Center for Education and Natural Env. Inquiry Process and Denise Dumouchel (2003) "Experiential Practice," it made me happy to know that my use of KWL and inquiry in my classroom is still a best practice technique. And for anyone thinking about using either... yes they do work.

In the second article, I loved the sentence
"No scientist ever finishes his work, just as no human being ever stops learning."
Does anyone know this to be false? I didn't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also, under resources p. 62 I would like to know if anyone out there has read Barbara Bourne Taking Inquiry Outdoors: Reading, Writing, and Science Beyond the Classroom Walls ?

Plus if anyone was interested in the Exploratorium Institute for Inquiry, I have walked through their programs and it does a great job at allowing you to experience inquiry learning. The web site lets anyone down load there scripted workshops for the various understanding levels.

The "I believe..." statements we worked on in class today were down right frustrating. When we began I thought, "I am a teacher..I know this." Ya Right! As Eleanor was drilling a student through her statement I quickly felt I had no idea what I believed in! I went home feeling like I had no teach training. But maybe this process will help. I just wish it to be easy.


Eleanor Abrams said...

Hi Rena,

I really enjoyed your blogs. You are pretty quiet in class but your blogs reveal more of your thoughts. I was touched about when you wrote about how you wished your dad was still alive so you could talk about Wessels with him. I feel similarly about my grandfather--he was from the Maine landscape and I could have learned some much from him if I could have curbed my impatience--I do think he is smiling now. He always believed people come to things in their own time.

As far as your pedagogy, your experience teaching makes your teaching philosophy especially rich and connected. I look forward to reading it.

NH HayShaker said...

I agree, the I believe statements were/are frustrating-it can be challenging to express clearly a strong belief.

I appreciate your sharing about your grandfather. After recently losing my dad I realized that there are a few people that we can never have enough time with and should not have to say goodbye to.

Your blog looks great and is fun to read! OIlove the post with your photo asking the pine tree for directions!