Friday, July 20, 2007

A Soggy Afternoon

My picture says it all! (I'm wet and sweaty and tired of bush wacking, tell me which way to go Mr. Pine.)

Elizabeth and I were out looking for our site 4 (the water inflow from Beaver Pond) and it was raining. We took the first logging trail off the main trail and it led us to the Creek. Very exciting since the day before was spent following the outflow of Beaver Pond while bush wacking and trying not to fall into the water. After finding the Creek Pond we were astounded to see 2 beaver hunts and a dam! I was first to notice the eaten/chopped logs (seen below). I noticed that I was starting to look around for signs taught in class about beavers, deer eating brush, fern areas being matted down by a possible large animal, a large frog traveling with a snake (they made a great couple! I hope the honeymoon goes well), and skat that was probably deer. Many GPS spots were recorded for Monday's plotting. All in all it was a very exciting day even though we didn't find what we set out to find.

Chewed Beaver Log and Creek Pond Beaver Dam

1 comment:

Lara said...

Wow, you found more beaver sign! That is exciting. I look forward to visiting your sampling sites with you.

Your experience scouting study sites is reflective of real practice. Often field ecologists take days scouting before the actual study site is established. Your experience was authentic.